Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Deep thinking, deep questions

I really wanted to see Jason's friend answer the question. I don't know if the question is good conversation for football but it is a question that has come up in conversations I've had in recent years. Prior to coming to the knowledge of a totally sovereign God this deep thinking occurred more times than I can remember. Can free will coexist with divine (what I think Jason really meant is) predestination? First of all what is meant by free will? Usually when people think of free will they think of individuals having their own independent will to control their own lives. If we answer that question biblically what would it be? The bible teaches that God has predestined those who would be saved (Rom. 8:29, Eph. 1:5) but has He also laid out our whole lives, what schools we will go to, who we will marry, how many children we will have etc. Has God predestined all of our perceived decisions? If we look at this biblically I would have to say yes, God has predestined those things. As it says in Ephesians 1:10b, 11;
In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will.
If anyone knows of any other scripture to support or dispute my conclusion I would love for you to post a comment for discussion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hopped over here from Irish Calvinist :)
Not that I have an original answer to Jason's question, but recently I did a post on several well-known Calvinist's response to this, and was quite impressed with the fact that they didn't throw free-will out with the Armininian bath water, so to speak. I REALLY liked the different perceptions!
Free Will and Calvinism

7:32 AM  

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